Partnering with Industry leaders to deliver value to health systems
From technician training & development to cybersecurity education & real-time medical device vulnerability monitoring, we ensure the best resources are available to your health system and our associates as we aim to strengthen healthcare technology management programs.

Our partnership with the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation® (AAMI) further invests in talent development and creates partnerships to grow associates’ skills in the clinical engineering industry. Opportunities include:
The BMET Apprenticeship is a 24-month program with up to 6,000 hours of on-the-job learning
- AAMI’s BMET Apprenticeship Program: Recognized by the U.S. Department of Labor, it combines traditional education with up to 6,000 hours of on-the-job learning. Prospective BMETs are hired by program partners in their area who then provide them with training and paid work experience and cover expenses for the requisite educational courses.
- An exclusive TRIMEDX Certified Biomedical Equipment Technician (CBET) Class
- Certified Associate in Biomedical Technology (CABT)
- IT Fundamentals certification through the Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA)
- After five years of management experience, an opportunity to take the exam to become a Certified Healthcare Technology Manager (CHTM)

Tri-Imaging Solutions—a specialized medical imaging service provider—we’re able to meet the increasing talent demand with the TRIMEDX Imaging Apprentice Program. The program consists of:
of TRIMEDX imaging apprenticeship graduates advance to imaging technician roles
- A 13-week on-site immersive training program
- An accelerated career path from a BMET to an Imaging Engineer
- Custom training experience available based on a site's needs

The DOD SkillBridge program is an opportunity for active Service members prior to leaving the military to gain valuable civilian work experience through specific industry training, apprenticeships, or internships during the last 180 days of service. As a DOD SkillBridge industry partner and employer, TRIMEDX expands efforts to support active and veteran military personnel which allows us to provide learning opportunities for those exiting the military. The program involves:
of TRIMEDX associates have military experience
- A commitment to transitioning military personnel by providing job training and networking opportunities
- Up to 180 days of permissive duty to focus on training full-time, bridging the gap between the end of service and the beginning of a civilian career
- Civilian clinical engineering and cybersecurity training/work experience for in-demand fields
- IT Fundamentals certification through the Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA)
- Strategic focus on discovering untapped talent with relevant skills and experiences