
Department of the Month: TRIMEDX’s Clinical Engineering Department at Ascension Sacred Heart Pensacola

TRIMEDX’s team at Ascension Sacred Heart Pensacola was recently featured as the department of the month in TechNation.

Equipment management for both Ascension Sacred Heart Pensacola Hospital and Studer Family Children’s Hospital at Ascension Sacred Heart is provided by a 21-member TRIMEDX clinical engineering department consisting of Site Manager Vernon Jones and three team leads who head up biomed, lab, and radiology teams. In addition to managing the medical equipment, the CE team is responsible for devices at Haven of Our Lady of Peace. They also support medical equipment in more than 150 clinics.

The biomed team does a complete job of capturing data and knowing every device in inventory.

“When a new device is presented for entry into the database, all accompanying data is collected from the data nameplate of the device. Additionally, for network capable or connected equipment, operating system and MAC address information is collected and stored in the database. All warranty information is also collected and stored,” Jones says.

Read the full story here.